Prof. dr. René van Roij
René van Roij
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Buys Ballot building, room 7.07
Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC Utrecht
P.O. Box 80 000, 3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands
phone: +31 (0)30 253 7579
e-mail: r.vanroij@uu.nl
- Biaxial, twist-bend, and splay-bend nematic phases of banana-shaped particles revealed by lifting the “smectic blanket”
M. Chiappini, T. Drwenski, R. van Roij and M. Dijkstra, Physical Review Letters 123 (6), 068001 (2019). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.068001. Supporting information: PDF.
- Hard Competition: Stabilizing the Elusive Biaxial Nematic Phase in Suspensions of Colloidal Particles with Extreme Lengths
S. Dussi, N. Tasios, T. Drwenski, R. van Roij and M. Dijkstra, Physical Review Letters 120, 177801 (2018). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.177801. Supporting information: PDF. - Chemical potential in active systems: predicting phase equilibrium from bulk equations of state?
S. Paliwal, J. Rodenburg, R. van Roij and M. Dijkstra, New Journal of Physics 20, 015003 (2018). DOI:10.1088/1367-2630/aa9b4d - Self-assembly of cubic colloidal particles at fluid–fluid interfaces by hexapolar capillary interactions
G. Soligno, M. Dijkstra and R. van Roij, Soft Matter 14, 42-60 (2018). DOI: 10.1039/C7SM01946G. Supporting information: PDF.
- Colloid–oil–water-interface interactions in the presence of multiple salts: charge regulation and dynamics J. C. Everts, S. Samin, N. A. Elbers, J. E. S. van der Hoeven, A. van Blaaderen and R. van Roij, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 14345-14357 (2017). DOI: 10.1039/C7CP01935A. Supporting Information: PDF.
- Efficient shapes for microswimming: From three-body swimmers to helical flagella
Bram Bet, Gijs Boosten, Marjolein Dijkstra, and René van Roij, J. Chem. Phys. 146 084904 (pp.1-7) DOI: 10.1063/1.4976647 (2017) - Sessile Nanodroplets on Elliptical Patches of Enhanced Lyophilicity
Ivan Dević, Giuseppe Soligno, Marjolein Dijkstra, René van Roij, Xuehua Zhang , and Detlef Lohse, Langmuir 33 (11), pp 2744–2749
DOI:10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b00002 (2017). - Connectedness percolation of hard deformed rods
T. Drwenski, S. Dussi, M. Dijkstra, R. van Roij and P. van der Schoot, The Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 224904 (2017) DOI: 10.1063/1.5006380 - Regiospecific Nucleation and Growth of Silane Coupling Agent Droplets onto Colloidal Particles
M. Kamp, G. Soligno, F. Hagemans, B. Peng, A. Imhof, R. van Roij and A. van Blaaderen, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (36), 19989-19998 (2017). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b04188. Supporting information: PDF. - Van’t Hoff’s law for active suspensions: the role of the solvent chemical potential
J. Rodenburg, M. Dijkstra and R. van Roij, Soft Matter 13, 8957-8963 (2017). DOI: 10.1039/c7sm01432e. Supporting information: PDF. - Microphase Separation in Oil-Water Mixtures Containing Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Ions
N. Tasios, S. Samin, R. van Roij and M. Dijkstra, Physical Review Letters 119, 218001 (2017). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.218001. Supporting information: PDF. - Rational design and dynamics of self-propelled colloidal bead chains: from rotators to flagella
H.R. Vutukuri, B. Bet, R. van Roij, M. Dijkstra and W.T.S. Huck, Scientific Reports 7, 16758 (2017). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-16731-5
- Entropy-driven formation of chiral nematic phases by computer simulations
Simone Dussi, and Marjolein Dijkstra, Nature communications 7, 11175, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11175 (2016) - Phase diagrams of charged colloidal rods: Can a uniaxial charge distribution break chiral symmetry?
Tara Drwenski, Simone Dussi, Michiel Hermes, Marjolein Dijkstra, René van Roij, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 094901 (2016). - Alternating strings and clusters in suspensions of charged colloids
J.C. Everts, M.N. van der Linden, A. van Blaaderen and R. van Roij, Soft Matter 12, 6610, DOI: 10.1039/c6sm01283c (2016) - Electric-Field-Induced Lock-and-Key Interactions between Colloidal Spheres and Bowls
Marlous Kamp, Nina A. Elbers, Thomas Troppenz, Arnout Imhof, Marjolein Dijkstra, René van Roij, and Alfons van Blaaderen, ChemMater 28, 1040−1048, (2016). - Self-Assembly of Cubes into 2D Hexagonal and Honeycomb Lattices by Hexapolar Capillary Interactions
Giuseppe Soligno, Marjolein Dijkstra, and René van Roij, PhysRevLett 116, 258001, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.258001 (2016) - Critical Casimir interactions and colloidal self-assembly in near-critical solvents
Nikos Tasios, John R. Edison, René van Roij, Robert Evans, and Marjolein Dijkstra, THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 145, 084902, 2016.
2015 – Scholarly publications
- Dussi, Simone, Belli, Simone, van Roij, Rene & Dijkstra, Marjolein (21.02.2015). Cholesterics of colloidal helices – Predicting the macroscopic pitch from the particle shape and thermodynamic state. Journal of chemical physics, 142 (7) (16 p.).
- Edison, John R., Tasios, Nikos, Belli, Simone, Evans, Robert, van Roij, Rene & Dijkstra, Marjolein (21.01.2015). Critical Casimir Forces and Colloidal Phase Transitions in a Near-Critical Solvent – A Simple Model Reveals a Rich Phase Diagram. Physical review letters, 114 (3) (5 p.).
- Kanai, Toshimitsu, Boon, Niels, Lu, Peter J., Sloutskin, Eli, Schofield, Andrew B., Smallenburg, Frank, van Roij, Rene, Dijkstra, Marjolein & Weitz, David A. (23.03.2015). Crystallization and reentrant melting of charged colloids in nonpolar solvents. Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 91 (3) (5 p.).
- Gantapara, Anjan P., de Graaf, Joost, van Roij, Rene & Dijkstra, Marjolein (28.02.2015). Phase behavior of a family of truncated hard cubes (vol 142, 054904, 2015). Journal of chemical physics, 142 (8) (1 p.).
- Dijkstra, Marjolein, Edison, John, van Roij, René, Belli, S & Evans, Robert (15.04.2015). Phase behaviour of colloids suspended in a nearcritical solvent: a mean-field approach. Molecular physics
2014 – Scholarly publications
- Janssen, Mathijs, Härtel, Andreas & Van Roij, René (24.12.2014). Boosting capacitive blue-energy and desalination devices with waste heat. Physical review letters, 113 (26).
- Belli, S., Dussi, S., Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R. (27.08.2014). Density functional theory for chiral nematic liquid crystals. Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 90 (2) (5 p.).
- Kuijk, Anke, Troppenz, Thomas, Filion, Laura, Imhof, Arnout, Van Roij, René, Dijkstra, Marjolein & Van Blaaderen, Alfons (07.09.2014). Effect of external electric fields on the phase behavior of colloidal silica rods. Soft matter, 10 (33), (pp. 6249-6255) (7 p.).
- Kwaadgras, Bas W., Besseling, Thijs H., Coopmans, Tim J., Kuijk, Anke, Imhof, Arnout, Blaaderen, Alfons Van, Dijkstra, Marjolein & Roij, René Van (07.11.2014). Orientation of a dielectric rod near a planar electrode. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16 (41), (pp. 22575-22582) (8 p.).
- Troppenz, Thomas, Filion, Laura, Van Roij, René & Dijkstra, Marjolein (21.10.2014). Phase behaviour of polarizable colloidal hard rods in an external electric field – A simulation study. Journal of chemical physics, 141 (15).
- van der Stam, Ward, Gantapara, Anjan P., Akkerman, Quinten A., Soligno, Giuseppe, Meeldijk, Johannes D., van Roij, Rene, Dijkstra, Marjolein & Donega, Celso de Mello (2014). Self-Assembly of Colloidal Hexagonal Bipyramid- and Bifrustum-Shaped ZnS Nanocrystals into Two-Dimensional Superstructures. Nano letters, 14 (2), (pp. 1032-1037) (6 p.).
- Arciniegas, Milena P., Kim, Mee R., De Graaf, Joost, Brescia, Rosaria, Marras, Sergio, Miszta, Karol, Dijkstra, Marjolein, Van Roij, René & Manna, Liberato (12.02.2014). Self-assembly of octapod-shaped colloidal nanocrystals into a hexagonal ballerina network embedded in a thin polymer film.Nano letters, 14 (2), (pp. 1056-1063) (8 p.).
- Kwaadgras, Bas W., Van Roij, René & Dijkstra, Marjolein (21.04.2014). Self-consistent electric field-induced dipole interaction of colloidal spheres, cubes, rods, and dumbbells. Journal of chemical physics, 140 (15).
- Peng, Bo, Soligno, Giuseppe, Kamp, Marlous, De Nijs, Bart, De Graaf, Joost, Dijkstra, Marjolein, Van Roij, René, Van Blaaderen, Alfons & Imhof, Arnout (28.12.2014). Site-specific growth of polymers on silica rods. Soft matter, 10 (48), (pp. 9644-9650) (7 p.).
- Merlet, Céline, Limmer, David T., Salanne, Mathieu, Van Roij, René, Madden, Paul A., Chandler, David & Rotenberg, Benjamin (14.08.2014). The electric double layer has a life of its own. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118 (32), (pp. 18291-18298) (8 p.).
- Soligno, Giuseppe, Dijkstra, Marjolein & van Roij, Rene (28.12.2014). The equilibrium shape of fluid-fluid interfaces – Derivation and a new numerical method for Young’s and Young-Laplace equations. Journal of chemical physics, 141 (24) (13 p.).
- Leferink Op Reinink, Anke B G M, Belli, Simone, Van Roij, René, Dijkstra, Marjolein, Petukhov, Andrei V. & Vroege, Gert Jan (21.01.2014). Tuning biaxiality of nematic phases of board-like colloids by an external magnetic field. Soft matter, 10 (3), (pp. 446-456) (11 p.).
2013 – Scholarly publications
- Kwaadgras, B.W., Verdult, M.W.J., Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2013). Can nonadditive dispersion forces explain chain formation of nanoparticles?. Journal of chemical physics, 138 (10), (pp. 104308/1-104308/10) (10 p.).
- Rica, R.A., Ziano, R., Salerno, D., Mantegazza, F., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Brogioli, D. (2013). Capacitive Mixing for Harvesting the Free Energy of Solutions at Different Concentrations. Entropy, 15 (4), (pp. 1388-1407) (20 p.).
- Limmer, D.T., Merlet, C., Salanne, M., Chandler, D., Madden, P.A., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Rotenberg, B. (2013). Charge Fluctuations in Nanoscale Capacitors. Physical review letters, 111 (10), (pp. 106102/1-106102/5) (5 p.).
- Evers, W.H., Goris, B., Bals, S., Casavola, M., de Graaf, J., van Roij, R.H.H.G., Dijkstra, M. & Vanmaekelbergh, D.A.M. (2013). Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Superlattices Formed by Geometric Control over Nanocrystal Attachment. Nano letters, 13 (6), (pp. 2317-2323) (7 p.).
- van Blaaderen, A., Dijkstra, M., van Roij, R.H.H.G., Imhof, A., Kamp, M, Kwaadgras, B.W., Vissers, T. & Liu, B (2013). Manipulating the self assembly of colloids in electric fields. European Physical Journal Special Topics, 222, (pp. 2895-2909) (15 p.).
- Gantapara, A.P., de Graaf, J., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Dijkstra, M. (2013). Phase Diagram and Structural Diversity of a Family of Truncated Cubes: Degenerate Close-Packed Structures and Vacancy-Rich States. Physical review letters, 111, (pp. 015501/1-015501/5) (5 p.).
- >van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2013). Statistical thermodynamics of supercapacitors and blue engines. In David S. Dean, Jure Dobnikar, Ali Naji & Rudolf Podgornik (Eds.), Electrostatics of soft and disordered matter Singapore: Pan Stanford Publishing.
2012 – Scholarly publications
- Kwaadgras, B.W., Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2012). Bulkiness versus anisotropy: The optimal shape of polarizable Brownian nanoparticles for alignment in electric fields. Journal of chemical physics, 136 (13), (pp. 131102/1-131102/4) (4 p.). Communication.
- Boon, N.J.H. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2012). Charge reversal of moisturous porous silica colloids by take-up of protons. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 385 (1), (pp. 66-72) (7 p.).
- de Graaf, J., Filion, L.C., Marechal, M.A.T., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Dijkstra, M. (2012). Crystal-structure prediction via the Floppy-Box Monte Carlo algorithm: Method and application to hard (non)convex particles. Journal of chemical physics, 137 (21), (pp. 214101/1-104910/13/11) (11 p.).
- Belli, S, Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2012). Depletion-induced biaxial nematic states of boardlike particles. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24, (pp. 1-9) (9 p.).
- de Graaf, J., Boon, N.J.H., Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2012). Electrostatic interactions between Janus particles. Journal of chemical physics, 137, (pp. 104910/1-104910/13) (13 p.).
- Belli, S, Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2012). Free minimization of the fundamental measure theory functional: Freezing of parallel hard squares and cubes. Journal of chemical physics, 137 (12), (pp. 124506-1-124506-7) (7 p.).
- Hatlo, M. M., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Lue, L. (2012). The electric double layer at high surface potentials: The influence of excess ion polarizability. Europhysics Letters, 97 (2), (pp. 1-6) (6 p.).
2011 – Scholarly publications
- Boon, N.J.H. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2011). ‘Blue energy’ from ion adsorption and electrode. Molecular physics, 109 (7-10), (pp. 1229-1241) (13 p.).
- Boon, N.J.H. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2011). Charge regulation and ionic screening of patchy surfaces.Journal of chemical physics, 134 (5), (pp. 054706) (10 p.).
- Belli, S, Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (06.09.2011). Depletion-induced biaxial nematic states of boardlike particles. IN PRESS 8th Liquid Matter Conference.
- Miszta, K., de Graaf, J., Bertoni, G., Dorfs, D., Brescia, R., Marras, S., Ceseracciu, L., Cingolani, R., van Roij, R.H.H.G., Dijkstra, M. & Manna, L. (2011). Hierarchical self-assembly of suspended branched colloidal nanocrystals into superlattice structures. Nature materials, 10, (pp. 872-876) (5 p.).
- Dennison, M, Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2011). Phase Diagram and Effective Shape of Semiflexible Colloidal Rods and Biopolymers. Physical review letters, 106 (20), (pp. 208302) (4 p.).
- Smallenburg, F., Boon, N.J.H., Kater, M., Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2011). Phase diagrams of colloidal spheres with a constant zeta-potential. Journal of chemical physics, 134 (7), (pp. 074505/1-074505/8) (8 p.).
- Kwaadgras, B.W., Verdult, M., Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2011). Polarizability and alignment of dielectric nanoparticles in an external electric field: Bowls, dumbbells, and cuboids. Journal of chemical physics, 135 (13), (pp. 134105) (15 p.).
- Belli, S, patti, A, Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2011). Polydispersity Stabilizes Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals. Physical review letters, 107 (14), (pp. 148303) (4 p.).
- Patti, A, Belli, S, van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Dijkstra, M. (2011). Relaxation dynamics in the columnar liquid crystal phase of hard platelets. Soft matter, 7, (pp. 3533-3545) (13 p.).
- Zwanikken, J.W., Ioannidou, I., Kraft, D.J. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2011). Reversible emulsification controlled by ionic surfactants and responsive nanoparticles. Soft matter, 7 (23), (pp. 11093-11097) (5 p.).
- Dennison, M, Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2011). The effects of shape and flexibility on bio-engineered fd-virus suspensions. Journal of chemical physics, 135 (14), (pp. 144106) (13 p.).
- Hatlo, M. M., Panja, D. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2011). Translocation of DNA Molecules through Nanopores with Salt Gradients: The Role of Osmotic Flow. Physical review letters, 107 (6), (pp. 068101) (5 p.).
2010 – Scholarly publications
- Patti, A, al Masri, J.H.M., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Dijkstra, M. (2010). Collective diffusion of colloidal hard rods in smectic liquid crystals: effect of particle anisotropy. Journal of chemical physics, 132, (pp. 224907/1-224907/10) (10 p.).
- van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2010). Electrostatics in liquids: from electrolytes and suspensions towards emulsions and patchy surfaces. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 389 (20), (pp. 4317-4331) (15 p.).
2009 – Scholarly publications
- Bier, Markus, de Graaf, J., Zwanikken, J.W. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2009). Curvature dependence of the electrolytic liquid-liquid interfacial tension. Journal of chemical physics, 130 (2), (pp. 024703/1-024703/7) (7 p.).
- Eggen, E.J., Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2009). Effective shape and phase behavior of short charged rods. Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 79, (pp. 041401-1-041401-16) (16 p.).
- Zwanikken, J.W. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2009). Inflation of the screening length induced by Bjerrum pairs. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21 (42), (pp. 424102/1-424102/6) (6 p.).
- Eggen, E.J. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2009). Poisson-Boltzmann cell model for heterogeneously charged colloids. Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 80 (4), (pp. 041402/1-041402/10) (10 p.).
- Patti, A, al Masri, J.H.M., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Dijkstra, M. (2009). Stringlike clusters and cooperative interlayer permeation in smectic liquid crystals formed by colloidal rods. Physical review letters, 103 (24), (pp. 248304-1-248304-4) (4 p.).
- de Graaf, J., Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2009). Triangular tessellation scheme for the adsorption free energy at the liquid-liquid interface : towards nonconvex patterned colloids.Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 80, (pp. 051405-1-051405-19) (19 p.).
2008 – Scholarly publications
- Torres, A., Cuetos, A., Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2008).Breakdown of the Yukawa model in de-ionized colloidal suspensions. Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 77, (pp. 031402/1-031402/4) (4 p.).
- Grelet, E, Lettinga, M.P., Bier, Markus, van Roij, R.H.H.G. & van der Schoot, P. (2008). Dynamical and structural insights into the smectic phase of rod-like particles. Journal of physics. Condensed matter, 20 (494213).
- Torres, A. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2008). Finite-thickness-enhanced attractions for oppositely charged membranes and colloidal platelets. Langmuir, 24, (pp. 1110) (1 p.).
- Cuetos, A., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Dijkstra, M. (2008). Isotropic-to-nematic nucleation in suspensions of colloidal rods. Soft matter, 4 (4), (pp. 757-767) (11 p.).
- Bier, Markus, Zwanikken, J.W. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2008). Liquid-liquid interfacial tension of electrolyte solutions. Physical review letters, 101 (046104), (pp. 1-4) (4 p.).
- Bier, Markus & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2008). Nonequilibrium steady states in fluids of platelike colloidal particles. Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 77 (021401), (pp. 1-7) (7 p.).
- Torres, A., Cuetos, A., Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2008). On the break-down of pairwise additivity in deionized colloidal suspensions. Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 77, (pp. 031402) (1 p.).
- Bier, Markus, van Roij, R.H.H.G., Dijkstra, M. & van der Schoot, P. (2008). Self diffusion of particles in complex fluids : temporary cages and permanent barriers. Physical review letters, 101 (215901), (pp. 1-4) (4 p.).
- de Graaf, J., Zwanikken, J.W., Bier, Markus, Baarsma, Arjen, Oloumi, Yasha, Spelt, Mischa & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2008). Spontaneous charging and crystallization of water droplets in oil. Journal of chemical physics, 129 (194701), (pp. 1-9) (9 p.).
- Zwanikken, J.W., de Graaf, J., Bier, Markus & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2008). Stability of additive-free water-in-oil emulsions. Journal of physics. Condensed matter, 20, (pp. 494238) (1 p.).
- Torres, A., Téllez, G. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2008). The polydisperse cell model: nonlinear screening and charge renormalization in colloidal mixtures. Journal of chemical physics, 128, (pp. 154906) (1 p.).
2008 – Professional publications
- Zwanikken, J.W., Leunissen, M.E., van Blaaderen, A. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2008). Olie-watermengsels ontrafeld. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde
2006 – Scholarly publications
- van der Beek, D., Reich, H., van der Schoot, P., Dijkstra, M., Schilling, T., Vink, R., Schmidt, M., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Lekkerkerker, H.N.W. (2006). Isotropic-nematic interface and wetting in suspensions of colloidal platelets. Physical review letters, 97 (8), (pp. 087801) (4 p.).
2005 – Scholarly publications
- Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2005). Entropic wetting in colloidal suspensions. Journal of physics. Condensed matter, 17, (pp. S3507-S3514) (8 p.).
- Royall, C.P., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & van Blaaderen, A. (2005). Extended sedimentation profiles in charged colloids: the gravitational legth, entropy, and electrostatics. Journal of physics. Condensed matter, 17 (2315).
- Royall, C.P., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & van Blaaderen, A. (2005). Extended sedimentation profiles in charged colloids: the gravitational length, entropy, and electrostatics. Journal of physics. Condensed matter, 17, (pp. 2315-2326) (12 p.).
- Leunissen, M.E., Christova, C.G., Hyninnen, A.P., Royall, C.P., Campbell, A.I., Imhof, A., Dijkstra, M., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & van Blaaderen, A. (2005). Ionic collodial crystals of oppositely charged particles. Nature, 437 (235).
- Leunissen, M.E., Christova, C.G., Hynninen, a.-p, Royall, C.P., Campbell, A.I., Imhof, A., Dijkstra, M., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & van Blaaderen, A. (2005). Ionic colloidal crystals of oppositely charged particles. Nature, 437, (pp. 235-240) (6 p.).
- Rasa, M.V., Erne, B.H., Zoetekouw, B., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Philipse, A.P. (2005). Macroscopic electric field and osmotic pressure in ultracentrifugal sedimentation-diffusion equilibria. Journal of physics. Condensed matter, 17 (2293).
- Shundyak, K., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & van der Schoot, P. (2005). Phase behaviour and interfacial properties of nonadditive mixtures of Onsager rods. Journal of chemical physics, 122 (094912).
- van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2005). The isotropic and nematic phase of colloidal rods. European journal of physics, 26, (pp. S57-S67) (11 p.).
- Zwanikken, T. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2005). The sediment of mixtures af charged colloids: segregation and inhomogeneous electric fields. Europhysics Letters, 71 (480).
2005 – Professional publications
- van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2005). Sedimentatie van geladen colloiden: een conflict tussen Newton, Boltzmann en Coulomb. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 71 (18).
2004 – Scholarly publications
- Hyninnen, A.P., Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2004). Effect of three-body interactions on the phase behavior of charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions. Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 69 (061407).
- Aarts, D.G.A.L., Dullens, R.P.A., Lekkerkerker, H.N.W., Bonn, D. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2004).Interfacial tension and wetting in colloid-polymer mixtures. Journal of chemical physics, 120, (pp. 1973-1980) (8 p.).
- Shundyak, K. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2004). Isotropic-nematic transition in hard-rod fluids: relation between continuous and restricted-orientation models. Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 69 (041703).
- Shundyak, K. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2004). Restricted-orientation models of hard-rod fluids. In F. Mallamace & H.E. Stanley (Eds.), Proceedings of the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Course CLV (pp. 589-593) (5 p.). IOS Press.
- Hynninen, a.-p, van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Dijkstra, M. (2004). Sedimentation profiles of charged colloids: Entropic lift and charge separation. Europhysics Letters, 65 (5), (pp. 719-725) (7 p.).
2003 – Scholarly publications
- van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2003). Defying gravity with entropy and electrostatics: sedimentation of charged colloids. Journal of physics. Condensed matter, 15, (pp. S3569-S3580) (12 p.).
- Hyninnen, A.P., Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2003). effect of triplet attractions on the phase diagram od suspensions of charged colloids. Journal of physics. Condensed matter, 15, (pp. S3549-S3556) (8 p.).
- Hyninnen, A.P., Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2003). Effect of triplet attractions on the phase diagram of suspensions of charged colloids. Journal of physics. Condensed matter, 15, (pp. S3549-S3556) (8 p.).
- Shundyak, K. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2003). Free planar isotropic-nematic interfaces in binary hard-rod fluids. Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 68 (061703).
2002 – Scholarly publications
- Roth, R., van Roij, R.H.H.G., Andrienko, D., Mecke, K.R. & Dietrich, S. (2002). Entropic torque.Physical review letters, 89, (pp. 088301) (1 p.).
- Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2002). Entropic wetting and many-body induced layering in a model colloid-polymer mixture. Physical review letters, 89, (pp. 208303) (1 p.).
- Shundyak, K. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2002). Entropy-driven triple-point wetting in hard-rod mixtures.Physical review letters, 88, (pp. 205501) (1 p.).
- Russ, C., von Grunberg, H., Dijkstra, M. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2002).
Three-body forces between charged colloidal particles. Physical Review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 66, (pp. 011402) (1 p.).
2001 – Scholarly publications
- von Gruenberg, H.H., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Klein, G. (2001). Donnan potential and gas-liquid phase coexistence in colloidal suspensions. Europhysics Letters, 55, (pp. 580-586) (7 p.).
- Shundyak, K. & van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2001). Isotropic-nematic interfaces of hard-rod fluids. Journal of physics. Condensed matter, 13, (pp. 4789-4800) (12 p.).
2000 – Scholarly publications
- van Roij, R.H.H.G. (2000). Attraction of repulsion between charged colloids? A connection with Debye-Hückel theory. Journal of physics. Condensed matter
- Dijkstra, M., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Evans, R. (2000). Effective Interactions, Structure, and Isothermal Compressibility of Colloidal Suspensions. Journal of chemical physics
- van Roij, R.H.H.G., Dijkstra, M. & Evans, R. (2000). Interfaces, wetting and capillary nematization of a hard-rod fluid: theory for the Zwanzig model. Journal of chemical physics
- van Roij, R.H.H.G., Dijkstra, M. & Evans, R. (2000). Orientational wetting and capillary nematization of hard-rod fluids. Europhysics Letters
1999 – Scholarly publications
- Dijkstra, M., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Evans, R. (1999). Direct simulation of the phase behavior of binary hard-sphere mixtures: test of the depletion potential description. Physical review letters, 82, (pp. 117-120) (4 p.).
- Martinez-Raton, Y., van Roij, R.H.H.G., Cuesta, J. & Mulder, B. (1999). Nematic to smectic: a hard transition. In C. Caccamo, J.P. Hansen & G. Stell (Eds.), Proc. NATO-ASI “New approaches to problems in liquid state theory”
- van Roij, R.H.H.G., Dijkstra, M. & Hansen, J. (1999). Phase diagram of charge-stabilised colloidal suspensions: van der Waals instability without attractive forces. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 59 (2), (pp. 2010-2029) (20 p.).
- Dijkstra, M., van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Evans, R. (1999). Phase diagram of highly asymmetric binary hardsphere mixtures. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 59 (5), (pp. 5744-5776) (33 p.).
- van Roij, R.H.H.G. & Evans, R. (1999). Phase equilibria in a model of low-salt suspensions of charged colloids. Journal of physics. Condensed matter, 80, (pp. 10047-10060) (14 p.).
1998 – Scholarly publications
- Dijkstra, Marjolein, Van Roij, René & Evans, Robert (01.12.1998). Phase behavior and structure of binary hard-sphere mixtures. Physical review letters, 81 (11), (pp. 2268-2271) (4 p.).
- Van Roij, René, Mulder, Bela & Dijkstra, Marjolein (15.12.1998). Phase behavior of binary mixtures of thick and thin hard rods. Physica. A, theoretical and statistical physics, 261 (3-4), (pp. 374-390) (17 p.).
- Dijkstra, Marjolein & Van Roij, René (16.02.1998). Vapour-liquid coexistence for purely repulsive point-Yukawa fluids. Journal of physics. Condensed matter, 10 (6), (pp. 1219-1228) (10 p.).
1997 – Scholarly publications
- Dijkstra, Marjolein & Van Roij, René (01.11.1997). Entropy-driven demixing in binary hard-core mixtures – From hard spherocylinders towards hard spheres. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 56 (5 SUPPL. B), (pp. 5594-5602) (9 p.).