Dr.ir. Rao Vutukuri
Ornstein Laboratory, room 1.72
Princetonplein 1, 3584 CC Utrecht
P.O. Box 80 000, 3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands
phone: +31(0)30 253 2363
secretariat: +31(0)30 253 2952
e-mail: h.r.vutukuri@uu.nl
Hanumantha Rao Vutukuri, Stéphane Badaire, D. A. Matthijs de Winter, Arnout Imhof, and Alfons van Blaaderen, 3 Aug 2015, Directed Self-Assembly of Micron-Sized Gold Nanoplatelets into Oriented Flexible Stacks with Tunable Interplate Distance, NanoLetters 15 (8), pp 5617–5623, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b02384
2014 – Scholarly publications
Vutukuri, Hanumantha Rao, Smallenburg, Frank, Badaire, Stéphane, Imhof, Arnout, Dijkstra, Marjolein & Van Blaaderen, Alfons (07-12-2014). An experimental and simulation study on the self-assembly of colloidal cubes in external electric fields. Soft matter, 10 (45), (pp. 9110-9119) (10 p.).
Vutukuri, Hanumantha Rao, Imhof, Arnout & Van Blaaderen, Alfons (03-11-2014). Fabrication of polyhedral particles from spherical colloids and their self-assembly into rotator phases.Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 53 (50), (pp. 13830-13834) (5 p.).
2012 – Scholarly publications
el Masri, D., Vissers, T., Badaire, S, Stiefelhagen, J.C.P., Vutukuri, H.R., Helfferich, P.H., Zhang, T., Kegel, W.K., Imhof, A. & van Blaaderen, A. (2012). A qualitative confocal microscopy study on a range of colloidal processes by simulating microgravity conditions through slow rotations. Soft matter, 8 (26), (pp. 6979-6990) (13 p.).
Vutukuri, H.R., Stiefelhagen, J.C.P., Vissers, T, Imhof, A. & van Blaaderen, A. (2012). Bonding assembled colloids without loss of colloidal stability. Advanced materials, 24 (3), (pp. 412-416) (5 p.).
Vutukuri, H.R., Demirors, A.F., Peng, B., van Oostrum, P.D.J., Imhof, A. & van Blaaderen, A. (2012).Colloidal Analogues of Charged and Uncharged Polymer Chains with Tunable Stiffness. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 51, (pp. 11249-11253) (6 p.).
Smallenburg, F., Vutukuri, H.R., Imhof, A., van Blaaderen, A. & Dijkstra, M. (2012). Self-assembly of colloidal particles into strings in a homogeneous external electric or magnetic field. Journal of physics. Condensed matter, 24 (46), (pp. 464113/1-464113/10) (10 p.).
Peng, B., Vutukuri, H.R., van Blaaderen, A. & Imhof, A. (2012). Synthesis of fluorescent monodisperse non-spherical dumbbell-like model colloids. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (41), (pp. 21893-21900) (8 p.).