Dr. Murphy (Wun-Fan) Li
Ornstein Laboratory, room 1.73
Princetonplein 1, 3584 CC Utrecht
P.O. Box 80 000, 3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands
phone: +31(0)30 253 3125
secretariat: +31(0)30 253 2952
e-mail: w.f.li@uu.nl
Thesis: Point Defects in 2D and 3D Nanomaterials: A Density Functional Theory Exploration, May 2017
2015 – Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Fang, Changming, Li, Wun Fan, Koster, Rik S., Klimeš, Jirí, Van Blaaderen, Alfons & Van Huis, Marijn A. (07-01-2015). The accurate calculation of the band gap of liquid water by means of GW corrections applied to plane-wave density functional theory molecular dynamics simulations.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (1), (pp. 365-375) (11 p.).
2014 – Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Yalcin, Anil O., Fan, Zhaochuan, Goris, Bart, Li, Wun Fan, Koster, Rik S., Fang, Changming, Van Blaaderen, Alfons, Casavola, Marianna, Tichelaar, Frans D., Bals, Sara, Van Tendeloo, Gustaaf, Vlugt, Thijs J H, Vanmaekelbergh, Daniël, Zandbergen, Henny W. & Van Huis, Marijn A. (11-06-2014). Atomic resolution monitoring of cation exchange in CdSe-PbSe heteronanocrystals during epitaxial solid-solid-vapor growth. Nano letters, 14 (6), (pp. 3661-3667) (7 p.).
Fang, C.M., Koster, R.S., Li, W.F. & van Huis, M.A. (2014). Predicted stability, structures, and magnetism of 3d transition metal nitrides: the M4N phases. RSC Advances, 4, (pp. 7885-7899) (15 p.).