Prof. dr. ir. Marjolein Dijkstra
Leonard S. Ornstein Laboratory, room 0.64
Princetonplein 1, 3584 CC Utrecht
P.O. Box 80 000, 3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands
phone: +31 (0)30 253 3270
secretariat: +31 (0)30 253 2952
e-mail: m.dijkstra@uu.nl
phone: +31 (0)30 253 1122
- Marjolein Dijkstra wins the 2025 Physica Prize
- Publication in Nature Communication: Spheres are (almost) always packed most efficiently as sausages
- Publication in Nature Communication: Frustration upon frustation, Evidence at last for long-awaited new liquid crystal phase
- Publication in Science Advances: Artificial intelligence inverse designs smart materials
- Marjolein Dijkstra receives NWO-ENW-klein grant
- Publication in Nature Physics: Packing, geometry & entropy: unexpected crystallization of mixtures of spheres of two sizes in spherical confinement
- Publication in Science: Researchers discover a novel liquid crystal phase of banana-shaped particles
- Marjolein Dijkstra appointed as KNAW member
- ERC Advanced Grant for physicist Marjolein Dijkstra
- Publication in Nature Chemistry: Self-assembly of highly-porous crystalline particles into novel photonic materials for sensing applications
- Publication in Nature Communication: Chirality in liquid crystals driven by particle shape