Dr. Laura Filion

Leonard S. Ornstein Laboratory, room 0.21
Princetonplein 1, 3584 CC Utrecht
P.O. Box 80 000, 3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands
phone: +31 (0)30 253 3519
secretariat: +31 (0)30 253 2952
e-mail: l.c.filion@uu.nl
Curriculum Vitae: link


Peer Reviewed Articles

Google Scholar: link

  1. The Journal of Chemical Physics 161, 134501 (2024)
    Editor’s Pick
  2. The Journal of Chemical Physics 160, 224109 (2024)
    Editor’s Pick
  3. Fast event-driven simulations for soft spheres: from dynamics to Laves phase nucleation
    A. Castagnède, L. Filion, F. Smallenburg,
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 160, 224109 (2024)
    Editor’s Pick
  4. Exploring protein-mediated compaction of DNA by coarse-grained simulations and unsupervised learning
    M. de Jager, P. J. Kolbeck, W. Vanderlinden, J. Lipfert, L. Filion
    Biophysical Journal 123, 3231 (2024)
    Covered in New and Notable Perspective
  5. HIV integrase compacts viral DNA into biphasic condensates
    P. J. Kolbeck, M. de Jager, M. Gallano, T. Brouns, B. Bekaert, W. Frederickx, S. F. Konrad, S. van Belle, F. Christ, S. de Feyter, Z. Debyser, L. Filion, J. Lipfert, W. Vanderlinden,
    eLife 13, RP102249  (2024)
  6. Physical Review Letters 132, 048202 (2024).
    Editor’s Suggestion
  7. Self-assembly of dodecagonal and octagonal quasicrystals in hard spheres on a plane
    E Fayen, M Impéror-Clerc, L Filion, G Foffi, F Smallenburg
    Soft Matter 19, 2654 (2023).
  8. The Journal of Chemical Physics 158, 134512 (2023).
  9. In search of a precursor for crystal nucleation of hard and charged colloids
    M. de Jager, F. Smallenburg, L. Filion
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 159, 134902 (2023).
  10. Nucleation complex behaviour is critical for cortical microtubule array homogeneity and patterning
    B. Jacobs, R. Schneider, J. Molenaar, L. Filion, E.E. Deinum
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 119, e2203900119 (2022).
  11. Comparing machine learning techniques for predicting glassy dynamics
    R. M. Alkemade, E. Boattini, L. Filion, F. Smallenburg
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 156, 204503 (2022).
  12. Crystal nucleation of highly screened charged colloids
    M. de Jager, L. Filion
    The Journal of Chemical Physics  157 , 154905 (2022).
  13. Inverse design of of soft materials via a deep learning–based evolutionary strategy
    G.M. Coli, E. Boattini, L. Filion and M. Dijkstra,
    Science Advances 8, (2022).
  14. Point defects in crystals of charged colloids
    R.M. Alkemade, M.de Jager, F. Smallenburg and L. Filion,
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 154, 164905 (2021).
    JCP Editors’ Choice 2021
  15. Averaging local structure to predict the dynamic propensity in supercooled liquids
    E Boattini, F Smallenburg, L Filion
    Physical Review Letters 127, 088007 (2021)
    Editor’s Suggestion
  16. Modeling of effective interactions between ligand coated nanoparticles through symmetry functions
    D. Chintha, S.K. Veesam, E. Boattini, L. Filion and  S.N. Punnathanam, The Journal of Chemical Physics 155, 244901 (2021).
  17. Machine learning many-body potentials for colloidal systems
    G Campos-Villalobos, E Boattini, L Filion, M Dijkstra
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 155, 174902 (2021)
  18. Defects in crystals of soft colloidal particles
    M.de Jager, J. de Jong and L. Filion,
    Soft Matter 17, 5718-5729 (2021)
  19. Autonomously revealing hidden local structures in supercooled liquids
    E. Boattini, S. Marín-Aguilar, S. Mitra, G. Foffi, F. Smallenburg and L. Filion,
    Nature Communications
    11, 5479 (2020).
  20. Modeling of many-body interactions between elastic spheres through symmetry functions
    E. Boattini, N. Bezem, S.N. Punnathanam, F. Smallenburg and L. Filion,
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (6), 064902 (2020).
    JCP Editors’ Choice 2020
  21. High antisite defect concentrations in hard-sphere colloidal Laves phases
  22. Predicting the phase behavior of mixtures of active spherical particles
    B. van der Meer, V. Prymidis, M. Dijkstra and L. Filion,
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 152, 144901 (2020).
  23. Unsupervised learning for local structure detection in colloidal systems
    E. Boattini, M. Dijkstra and L. Filion,
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 151, 154901 (2019).
  24. Revealing a vacancy analog of the crowdion interstitial in simple cubic crystals
    B. van der Meer, R. van Damme, M. Dijkstra, F. Smallenburg and L. Filion,
    Physical Review Letters 121, 258001 (2018).
  25. Neural-network-based order parameters for classification of binary hard-sphere crystal structures
    E. Boattini, M. Ram, F. Smallenburg and L. Filion,
    Molecular Physics 116, 3066-3075 (2018).
  26. Cuboidal Supraparticles Self-Assembled from Cubic CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals
    J.S. van der Burgt, J.J. Geuchies, B. van der Meer, H. Vanrompay, D. Zanaga, Y. Zhang, W. Albrecht, A.V. Petukhov, L. Filion, S. Bals, I. Swart and D. Vanmaekelbergh
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 15706-15712 (2018)
  27. Diffusion and interactions of interstitials in hard-sphere interstitial solid solutions
    B. van der Meer, E. Lathouwers, F. Smallenburg, and L. Filion 
    The Journal of Chemical Physics
    147, 234903 (2017).
  28. Non-equilibrium surface tension of the vapour-liquid interface of active Lennard-Jones particles
    S. Paliwal, V. Prymidis, L. Filion, and M. Dijkstra
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 084902 (2017)
  29. Phase and vacancy behaviour of hard “slanted” cubes
    R. van Damme, B. van der Meer, J.J. van den Broeke, F. Smallenburg, and L. Filion
    The Journal of  Chemical  Physics 147, 124501 (2017)
  30. Diffusion and interactions of point defects in hard-sphere crystals
    B. van der Meer, M. Dijkstra, and L. Filion
    The Journal of  Chemical  Physics 146, 244905 (2017)
  31. Vapour-liquid coexistence of an active Lennard-Jones fluid
    V. Prymidis, S. Paliwal, M. Dijkstra, and L. Filion
    The Journal of  Chemical  Physics 145, 124904 (2016)
  32. Repulsive van der Waals forces enable Pickering emulsions with non-touching colloids,
    N. Elbers, J. van der Hoeven, M. de Winter, C. Schneijdenberg, M. van der Linden, L. Filion, and A. van Blaaderen
    Soft Matter, 12, 7265-7272 (2016)
  33. Removing grain boundaries from three-dimensional colloidal crystals using active dopants
    B. van der Meer, M. Dijkstra, and L. Filion
    Soft Matter 12, 5630-5635, (2016)
  34. Modeling the Self-Assembly of Organic Molecules in 2D Molecular Layers with Different Structures
    J. van der Lit, J.L. Marsman, R.S. Koster, P.H. Jacobse, S.A. den Hartog, D. Vanmaekelbergh, R.J.M. Klein Gebbink, L. Filion, and I. Swart
    The Journal of  Physical Chemistry C 120, 318 (2016).
  35. Fabricating large two-dimensional single colloidal crystals by doping with active particles
    B. van der Meer, L. Filion and, M. Dijkstra
    Soft Matter 12, 3406, (2016).
  36. State behaviour and dynamics of self-propelled Brownian squares: a simulation study
    V. Prymidis, S. Samin and, L. Filion
    Soft Matter 12, 4309 (2016).
  37. Dynamical heterogeneities and defects in two-dimensional soft colloidal crystals
    B. van der Meer, W. Qi, J. Sprakel, L. Filion and, M. Dijkstra
    Soft Matter 11, 9385 (2015).
  38. Entropy-driven formation of large icosahedral colloidal clusters by spherical confinement
    B. de Nijs, S. Dussi, F. Smallenburg, M.J.D. Meeldijk, D.J. Groenendijk, L. Filion, A. Imhof, A. van Blaaderen, and M. Dijkstra
    Nature Materials 14, 56 (2015).
  39. Self-assembly of active attractive spheres
    V. Prymidis, H. Sielcken, and L. Filion
    Soft Matter 11, 4158 (2015).
  40. Liquid–Liquid Phase Transitions in Tetrahedrally Coordinated Fluids via Wertheim Theory
    F. Smallenburg, L. Filion, and F. Sciortino
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119, 9076 (2015).
  41. Effect of external electric fields on the phase behavior of colloidal silica rods
    A. Kuijk, T. Troppenz, L. Filion, A. Imhof, R. van Roij, M. Dijkstra, and A. van Blaaderen
    Soft Matter 10, 6249 (2014).
  42. Erasing no-man’s land by thermodynamically stabilizing the liquid-liquid transition in tetrahedral particles
    F. Smallenburg, L. Filion, and F. Sciortino
    Nature Physics 10, 653 (2014).
  43. Phase behaviour of polarizable colloidal hard rods in an external electric field – A simulation study
    T. Troppenz, L. Filion, R. van Roij, and M. Dijkstra
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 154903 (2014).
  44. A parameter-free, solid-angle based, nearest-neighbor algorithm
    J.A. van Meel, L. Filion, C. Valeriani, and D. Frenkel
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 136, 234107 (2012).
  45. Crystal-structure prediction via the Floppy-Box Monte Carlo algorithm: Method and application to hard (non)convex particles
    J. de Graaf, L. Filion, M.A.T. Marechal, R. van Roij, and M. Dijkstra
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 137, 214101 (2012).
  46. Predicting patchy particle crystals: variable box shape simulations and evolutionary algorithms
    E. Bianchi, G. Doppelbauer, L. Filion, M. Dijkstra, and G. Kahl
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 136, 1 (2012).
  47. Spiers Memorial Lecture: Effect of interaction specificity on the phase behaviour of patchy particles
    N. Dorsaz, L. Filion, F. Smallenburg, and D. Frenkel
    Faraday Discussions 159, 9 (2012).
  48. Vacancy-stabilized crystalline order in hard cubes
    F. Smallenburg, L.  Filion, M.A.T. Marechal, and M. Dijkstra
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 17886 (2012)
  49. Self-assembly of a colloidal interstitial solid with tunable sublattice doping
    L. Filion, M. Hermes, R. Ni, E.C.M. Vermolen, A. Kuijk, C.G. Christova, J.C.P. Stiefelhagen, T. Vissers, A. van Blaaderen, and M. Dijkstra
    Physical Review Letters 107, 168302 (2011).
  50. Crystal nucleation in binary hard-sphere mixtures: the effect of order parameter on the cluster composition
    R. Ni, F. Smallenburg, L. Filion, and M. Dijkstra
    Molecular Physics 109, 1213 (2011).
  51. Simulation of nucleation in almost hard-sphere colloids: The discrepancy between experiment and simulation persists
    L. Filion, R. Ni, D. Frenkel, and M. Dijkstra
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 134, 134901 (2011).
  52. Crystal nucleation of hard spheres using molecular dynamics, umbrella sampling, and forward flux sampling: a comparison of simulation techniques
    L. Filion, M. Hermes, R. Ni, and M. Dijkstra
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 133, 244115 (2010).
  53. Entropy-driven formation of binary semiconductor-nanocrystal superlattices
    W.H. Evers, B. de Nijs, L. Filion, S.I.R. Castillo, M. Dijkstra, and D.A.M. Vanmaekelbergh
    Nano Letters 10, 4235 (2010).
  54. Efficient Method for Predicting Crystal Structures at Finite Temperature: Variable Box Shape Simulations
    L. Filion, M. Marechal, B. van Oorschot, D. Pelt, F. Smallenburg, and M. Dijkstra
    Physical Review Letters 103, 188302 (2009).
    Editor’s Suggestion
  55. Fabrication of large binary colloidal crystals with a NaCl structure
    E.C.M. Vermolen, A. Kuijk, L. Filion, M. Hermes, J.H.J. Thijssen, M. Dijkstra, and A. van Blaaderen
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106, 16063 (2009).
  56. Observation of a ternary nanocrystal superlattice and its structural characterization by electron tomography
    W.H. Evers, H. Friedrich, L. Filion, M. Dijkstra, and D.A.M. Vanmaekelbergh
    Angewandte Chemie 48,  9655 (2009).
  57. Prediction of binary hard-sphere crystal structures
    L. Filion and M. Dijkstra
    Physical Review E 79, 046714 (2009).
  58. Stability of LS and LS2 crystal structures in binary mixtures of hard and charged spheres
    A.P. Hynninen, L. Filion, and M. Dijkstra
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 131, 064902 (2009).
  59. Modelling electrostatic interactions in complex soft systems
    D.A. Pink, C.B. Hanna, B.E. Quinn, V. Levadny, G.L. Ryan, L. Filion, and A.T. Paulson
    Food Research International 39, 1031 (2006).
  60. Ordering and spin waves in NaNiO2: A stacked quantum ferromagnet
    M.J. Lewis, B.D. Gaulin, L. Filion, C. Kallin, A.J. Berlinsky, H.A. Dabkowska, Y. Qiu, and J.R.D. Copley
    Physical Review B 72, 014408 (2005).
  61. Stability analysis of multiple scalar field cosmologies with matter
    R.J. van den Hoogen and L. Filion
    Classical and Quantum Gravity 17, 1815 (2000).


Self-assembly in colloidal hard-sphere systems
Laura Filion, Utrecht University, 2011.

Public Interest

Wat is er nodig voor een tweede vloeistoffase in stoffen als water?
Laura Filion, Frank Smallenburg, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, Feb (2015).